Monday, October 24, 2011

The fantastic adventures of Ned the Tiger

Ned is a tiger (ok, he is a leopard, but he acts like a tiger).  He has a friend named Bear who is a bit of a home body.  Since Bear didn’t want to travel, Ned thought he would start documenting his adventures for Bear and now he is sharing them with you. 

Ned spends a fair bit of time with April and David who travel around and take photos for him, since carrying a camera is quite impractical for a tiger of Ned’s size.

Ned is left handed, enjoys both sunrises and sunsets, loves to try new things and experience as much as he can in life. Ned absolutely believes that life is about the moments that take our breath away and tries to live his life that way.  Ned wishes to thank you for reading about his adventure to Ottawa and looks forward to you reading about future experiences and fun around the world.

Ned in Ottawa, the capital city of Canada.